Best Way to Sell a Hoarder House in Metro Atlanta

by | Aug 5, 2024 | Real Estate | 0 comments

Selling a Metro Atlanta house is fraught with stress and uncertainty; selling a Metro Atlanta hoarder house is a daunting project. If you’ve inherited a hoarder house or are helping a family member, brace yourself for a tough sale.

What to expect? We’ll alert you to the problems you’ll face when trying to sell a hoarder house and one practical alternative to sell a hoarder house quickly and hassle-free.

Difficult to work with an owner of a hoarder house

Hoarders suffer various psychological disorders, among them obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and depression. This mental disability causes severe anxiety when throwing away possessions, no matter how insignificant they may be. They feel a deep sense of loss from parting with their belongings. Their possessions give them a sense of security. 

It is a struggle to convince a hoarder to part with their things. Hoarders will collect and save items, sometimes even garbage for years making a home dangerous. They also are more likely to defer maintenance and repairs since many suffer from psychosis, social anxiety, and various other disorders.

Difficult to market a Metro Atlanta hoarder house

In the world of online marketing, pictures are the number one way sellers advertise the sale of their property. They help create an important first impression and encourage buyers to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment to see your house.

A great amount of emphasis is placed on staging and photographing a house since it shows potential buyers the layout and amenities of your home. Pictures help create an important first impression and encourage buyers to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment to see your house. 

Since it’s impractical to show pictures of a hoarder house, your ability to market your home will be greatly restricted. Even though you could provide a floor plan, nothing replaces the positive impact that pictures can make on potential buyers. 

Selling a Metro Atlanta hoarder house limits the pool of potential buyers 

The purchase of a home is the biggest financial investment buyers are likely to make. That’s why buyers look to move into a house that is in the best condition with the least amount of repairs.  

Years of neglect and hoarding destroy a house. A hoarder’s house may suffer from pest infestation, mold and structural damage. The reality is buyers will be unable to see beyond the hoarding and the daunting task of cleaning out a hoarder house to make an offer on your property.  

Even the most intrepid buyer will be turned off by the possibility of finding damage that has been hidden for years and getting stuck with a money pit.

A Metro Atlanta hoarder house is hard to inspect 

A buyer will want to conduct a home and pest inspection to assess your home’s true condition and rule out any major problems. With limited access and mounds of personal items littered throughout the house, it’s difficult to conduct the inspections required for a successful sale.  

To complicate matters further in some cities, the seller is required by local ordinance to get a pre-sale inspection from their local building department or have their home inspected for lead paint before closing on the home.

This leaves us with the most important inspection, an appraisal. The bank will expect that your home appraises and meets minimum habitability standards as a condition for the buyer’s mortgage approval. Without a mortgage approval, you have no sale.

So what is the best way to sell a Metro Atlanta hoarder house?

Sell your Metro Atlanta Area hoarder house to 247CashOffer. Remove the items you want and leave the junk for us. We’ll take care of cleaning, clearing out and repairing your home and even pay for your closing costs.

We are cash home buyers. We guarantee you a worry-free private sale without the need for lengthy home inspections, bank appraisals and mortgage approvals. You can avoid a parade of buyers from entering your house and nosey neighbors from getting into your business.

We’ll buy your house as-is no matter its condition. Even if it is fire damaged, water damaged has open code violations or has suffered termite, foundation or roofing problems.  

And if you’re looking to sell your house quickly, we are the perfect buyers. We’ll give you an offer within 24 hours. 

This way you’ll eliminate the need to hire an agent, pay a hefty commission, and put up with the uncertainty of finding a buyer. 

To learn more about how to sell a hoarder house and get a top-dollar cash offer, call 247CashOffer at 470-664-3058 and schedule a free no obligation appointment. Count on us to understand your needs, provide solutions to your problems and deliver exceptional service.

For a quick recap, look at the best way to Sell a Hoarder House in Metro Atlanta infographic below. 

Additional Resources And Tips For Selling A Hoarder House


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